Hip flexion gets all the press with running form. But what about hip extension? In order to run well, we need to effectively bring our hips forward and allow them (one at a time of course!) to be extended. Proper running form requires some level of hip extension, thought it is more subtle when it’s not being done properly. Picture someone who takes too short of strides, or someone who runs with an excessively arched back, chances are that they are not extending properly.
But here’s the tricky part, we can work on hip flexion by actively flexing the hip, and this is how the hip flexes when we run. We can also work on extension by actively extending the hip, but this is NOT how hip extension takes place when we run. Rather, our hip extends via the body advancing overtop our planted foot. Because of this, the way we improve our extension with running is perhaps a little different than you might think. See if today’s video is helpful!
Let me know what you think and how these go for you!
Excellent Mike!
Abe did a lot of that and had fantastic extension.