Do you need balance to be a good runner? Even though you don’t need as much as a gymnast, it’s still an area of improvement for most runners. Essentially, how well you can balance on one leg, goes a long way to having an efficient transition from loading to push-off. Improving efficiency with your foot strike, will absolutely make you a faster runner and help you avoid injuries.
So, how do we improve balance? Glad you asked! There are so many subtle movements that take place while running throughout your foot extending all the way up to your arms and head. Because of this, we need to practice balancing along with a variety of different movements.
In this video, we highlight 10 of my favorite exercises to work on balance. With special guest cameos from my helpful daughters!
As always, please share this with someone who will find it helpful and practice these until you can do them with your eyes closed! Also, subscribe to the blog if you haven’t already and check out the live videos on the Facebook page for more in-depth explanations of these exercises and other topics.
Another great video! Informative and entertaining!
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